Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chemtrails Explained by Peter Farley

I wanted to do a follow up to the Fluoride article by opening up the discussion on Aluminum and I guess I get so side tracked with all the interesting information I forget to finish one project before starting another but we live in fascinating times and we must all have a touch of ADD now and then.

Here is an email I spammed for my contacts:


I recently stumbled on to a website called" written by Peter Farley and friends. This site is so full of information is difficult for me to cite a particular area of interest. He also has a Yahoo group which I recently joined and found this Chemtrail article.

Many light workers have been researching this information since the 1980's when they first became prominent. You can start your review at his website:

I am currently listening to Dr. Christine Page an intuitive whose 2 part interview is available on Conscious Media Network.
This is how I find these connections and share some interesting information in the process. I hope you find it helpful and stimulating.

We live in amazing times.

Thank you for sharing your interest and time with me.
Have a most peaceful and loving weekend.