Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Follow up on Climategate and legitimacy of ethical practices

Bombshell UN Documents Outline Plan To Use Climategate Crooks In “End Run” Around National Sovereignty by Paul Joseph Watson
Dear Friends:
In a effort to follow up on the legitimacy of exposing rogue scientist and reintroduce people to the practice of using oversight in all scientific experiments and research to ensure accurate and ethical practices, I am posting these articles and videos because I find this
course of action missing from medicine and food modification and safety to well rehearsed news "updates" of environmental and health changes. Some things are reported once and then forgotten over the banter of celebrity self-indulgence and excessive advertising of sex and violence.
This is my small attempt to change the channel of your thoughts and encourage some critical thinking about the state of our world. I do not see this as an American issue but a "global" concern effecting everyone regardless of age, status or ideology. We are all ONE.
Love and light,
Why is it that when we talk to God we're saidto be praying, but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic? Lily Tomlin
Here are some updates to the Climategate story Examiner UK
Tim Ball - Climategate & The Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud

Climategate: follow the money and you will know Bret Stephens
This is not the sound of settled science, but of a cracking empirical foundation. Sooner or later it is sure to crumble

'Climategate' shadow looms over Copenhagen summit

Climate-Gate - Michael Coren with Lord Christopher Monckton - part 1 of 5

Bombshell UN Documents Outline Plan To Use Climategate Crooks In “End Run” Around National Sovereignty by Paul Joseph Watson
"This passage is fairly damning, as the UN is all but admitting that the program does represent an “end-run around member governments,” and that they have to do their best to hide the fact. That academics should be “harnessed to the UNEP mission” and not harnessed to producing unbiased scientific data about global warming also reveals how the climate change issue has been hijacked to serve the requirements of a global elite hell-bent on world government....

The goals included in the four-year strategy paper include “efforts at local, national and global levels” to raise “sufficient finance to meet environmental challenges, including climate change,” which translates as using the problem of global warming to raise money for the operation of the global government structure which is being called for in the planning papers."

Jesse Ventura on TruTV

Shocking UN Document Divulges Climate Cult Brainwashing

Then if you are truly ready to dig deeper you can check out William Henrys Blog on;

Warning: The Apotheosis is at Hand
By William Henry

"At [the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in] Copenhagen,
this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed.
Your president will sign it. Most of the third world countries will sign it,
because they think they’re going to get money out of it.
Most of the left-wing regime from the European Union will rubber stamp it.
Virtually nobody won’t sign it..." Lord Monckton

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Climategate:, who feeds the system? and (Who really benefits from all these tax cuts!?!?!)

And for those of you who are concerned: I fell asleep and something ( maybe mice) woke me up- it was probably the heat registers clicking- on and off. It was too warm anyway- had to turn down the heat. Thanks to all. Hope this gives some needed perspective. I know these stories validate many things for me. I should have titled it "Relativity and the New Dark Age"

With love and light.

Your friend,


Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

Retired climatologist Dr. Tim Ball joins us to discuss the significance of the recently leaked emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University which expose deceit, duplicity and collusion between climate researchers to maintain the fraud of the manmade global warming theory. These emails reveal stunning behind-the-scenes details about how this fraud has been developed and perpetuated, and Dr. Ball shares his insights on what they show.

Max Igan - American Voice Radio - Nov 26, 2009 How Did We Get to Here 1/6

How have we constructed society, division all around the world- What is really going on here?
What is doing it and why is it heading in this direction? It is us -we are holding up the system.
Why do we allow certain factions to harvest so much energy from us? Why do we police ourselves?
What is proper, legal, just?

New York: Wall Street profits soar, education and health care face the ax

(Who really benefits from all these tax cuts!?!?!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

TimeBanks USA Member Directory
Jon Snow Interviews Professor Edgar Cahn. In this short clip Edgar explains the simple concept of Time Banking - Volunteering for the 21st Century which is sweeping across the UK. Get involved at:

TimeBanks USA Member Directory InstanceBeginEditable name="content paragraphs"

Click here for larger version

The states in yellow have active Time Banks.

Below is a (nearly) full listing of TimeBanks USA Member Time Banks. There are other Time Banks that are in the start-up stage, and may not be ready to recruit new members. If you don't see a Time Bank near you on this list, call us at 202-686-5200 x101 to find a start-up effort near you, or to start your own. CA, CO, CT, GA, IL, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT, WV, WA, WI
Community Exchange
Share services like yard work, home improvements, guitar lessons and more with your neighbors Need help with yard work or home improvements? Want to learn a new skill? Need a ride to an appointment? Community Exchange may be your solution. You don’t need money; just time to help someone else. Community Exchange is a program in which you voluntarily exchange your skills and services for someone else’s skills and services. If you need help, you simply contact Community Exchange. As a member, you can use our interactive database to find someone who can help you or someone to whom you can offer help. The talents you’re willing to share are recorded in a database to be matched with someone in need. This could include pulling weeds, helping someone clean out their attic, driving someone to an appointment, or simply providing companionship. When you help someone you earn “time dollars.” You can then “cash-in” the time dollars for services from other members. Creating a Community Web Here’s an example of how Community Exchange works: Tony needed help tiling his bathroom before his new baby arrived. He earned “time dollars” by installing an air conditioner for Carol, driving Ellen to the doctor and helping Linda move furniture. He earned enough “time dollars” to have Frank help him with the tiling. In exchange for Tony’s help, Carol teaches drawing and transports Community Exchange members to the grocery store. Linda uses her computer skills to assist members with word processing, and Ellen serves on Community Exchange’s advisory board and offers telephone assistance and companionship. Over and over and over, members exchange their time and skills, building healthy community connections, while learning that receiving is as valuable as giving. New Member Orientation All new members attend an orientation, held from 2-4 p.m., the third Monday of each month at the Center for Healthy Aging at Lehigh Valley Hospital-17th Street in Allentown, Pa. To learn more about Community Exchange or to become a member, call 610-402-CARE.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It is time to change

Hello Dear Friends:

I recently reviewed The Calling and felt it was important to send it to you again. It is a video created to inform those still unaware of the state of the world governments, monetary systems and war.
The Calling 1 of 2

This is a 1 hour, 2 part video and helpful for all those who viewed Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" who want to learn more about what is really going on in our world.

This video was made with the highest respect and love for all life on this planet and those who have sensed somethings wrong but are not sure really what is happening or why they feel the way they do, have doubts or unanswered fears.

I recently forward 2 videos from Mariam Delicado and Princess Nakamaru which dovetail with this message. If you have not had time to watch these videos and I suggest you please take the time to objectively review them. You can find this information on Mariam Dilacado's web site or type in "NWO" for New World Order. Please email me with any questions or for further discussion.

This information is essential to your health and the health of your children and the planet. I believe we can reverse any negative outcomes but we can only change what we know needs to be changed for the better.
I thank you for your time and interest in our future and I would like to strongly suggest you warn your family and friends to avoid fear based television and movies such as the upcoming 2012 disaster film. We are all visual learners and the images being presented by Hollywood and TV over the last 10 years has focused on the total destruction of our world. It is my strong belief that we store memories in symbolic form and visually between the news and movies, video games and other media we are being conditioned to accept what amounts to lower living standards and violence as normal.

It is a very intense and repetitive conditioning which has been fine tuned to exact the virtual environment we find ourselves believing we live in- a world gone mad. This is possible if you believe it is true but look at your neighbors and your community and distinguish between what is happening locally and what you see and hear on the media source of your choice and consider turning off the TV, limit the movies you watch and spend more time talking to your family, loved ones and your neighbors. The world is a beautiful and loving place and can not be manipulated when good people know the truth about our governments and big corporations.
Subliminal Mind Control, Brain Washing,
Media & Psychology Dr. John Breeding
discusses the use of television and the
mass media as a form of information and mind control.

And remember there are more of us than there are of them! There is safety in numbers but only if we are aware of what is working against our best and highest ideals.

Be informed and inform others.

With the highest respect and love,

Babcha's Pearls
Movie "The Calling Link"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Education Mayhem

I thought I would write a thought although I am more tired than enlightened tonight. It was 70+ degrees on a mid October day and warmer than usual for this time of year. Tomorrow promises to be even warmer- 78*

Last week central Pennsylvania got a couple inches or more of wet heavy snow. I saw the pictures.

I watched David Wilcock's preview of his upcoming Book 2012 Enigma Blueprints for a Golden Age and what stuck with me is the statement "you are here to share what you know"

I wanted to spam my favorite contacts a video entitled and then thought how much fear was behind my sending it. The video was entitle something like "dare you to watch this video" or something to that affect.

Tell me what you think.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Explosive Thunder

Since the winter, there has occurred to me an increase in a phenomenon of heavy rain and thunder / fireworks. I notice this while working in the Somerville New Jersey area over the winter. I somehow caught a sync with a news report for heavy snow and thunder warnings during a massive snow storm. I happened to be outside walking across the property at work about 8pm that night, it was snowing fiercely, and I distinctly heard what were obviously explosions and not the forewarned thunder. I never said a thing to anyone and thought little of it but tonight as I lay trying desperately to finish two online summer courses I am again perplexed with the setting off of fireworks on what has been a mostly wet and still rainy day. My future son-in-law confirmed there are carnivals nearby but not in the direction of the commotion. It is now 8:25 pm and the thundering explosions as consistent and close.
I experienced the same symptoms in the beginning of the summer at a facility in Levittown PA where it was raining and on what appeared to be the clearing side of the storm a proliferation of fireworks. I was astonished because it was still sunny outside not the usual night black sky.
I just got up to confirm the presence of pyrotechnics and I saw it with my own two eyes but it is astonishing that with a steady rain and the call for flash flooding did not deter the pyromaniacs.
Back to my hypothesis: I do believe there is an underlying covert reason behind the winter explosion thunder but I can surmise the last two summer episodes were clearly an attempt to salvage the evening’s festivities. I am sure there is always a motivation appearing benign on the outside but may be filled with malignancy. I did not want to surmise a covert military plot but release my imaginative assumptions to the public at large to wrestle with the logic behind my peculiar conclusion and document my suspicions.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

If it is High Definition, it must be true. : Wag the TV and other rants.

An alarm in the distance triggers in me an artificial anxiety infused by the myriad of news reports and videos pushing the hidden agenda I have been bombarded with these last few years: “the world will end in 2012.”
New Title : Why doesn’t Obama condemn these news producers?

Compliments Red Ice Creations
The worst part of the whole scheme is the pervasive onslaught that screams, “I am propaganda created to inflict fear and an innate sense of doom.” Just enough to incite a type of artificial Armageddon, the kind of tactics that bare the hallmark of hurried enthusiasm that the careless builders of the latest housing boom created before the bubble burst on the innocent homebuyer. I think it is past time to reject all negative projections about future outcomes that are not based in fact. I would qualify it as scientific fact but the term has come to my attention as being subjective due to the nature of the scientific method. What I know about the Law of Attraction and a scientist dogged testing can be easily inferred to the uninitiated.
I have been touting the removal of Congress and television sets for a few years now to deaf ears. The forced digital programming was not enough to arouse suspicion in the average viewer. The fact that television is no long FREE did little to excite the masses to revolt. So why am I concerned that the continuous barrage of “The day after People?, War with Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, ad infinitum, the economic manufactured crisis, swine-dog-bird-monkey flu “ will send some hope of awakening? The realization that the new digital High Definition overpriced flat screen many Americans have been willingly forced to consume is a status symbol. Even my own children leave their windows open to expose the brilliance of their 42-inch unbeknown to themselves managed reality while they sit and wail about the high mortgage they jumped into before they talked it out with their family, which brings me to yet another piece of this diabolical manipulation by the power elite.

Compliments Conscious Media Network
I was not sure how to affix the video’s since they both represent the fodder of what passes for journalism and truth on today’s programming. Even the words we use are sure to open some eyes-right. The sad part is what is happening outside the confines of the indoctrination box. If any cognizant human who looks around the environment they should notice by now the cross hatch “clouds” filling our skies every day all around the world. I recently read a blog where the individual believed Chemtrails are everywhere but China for some unknown reason. I tried to email them but I have not set up MSOutlook and could not send them my photos of Guilin China Seven Star Park I visited in 2006. Right above a boulder inscribed in commemoration ironically of president Bill Clinton’s speech on environmental protection 1998. Photobucket
Since then we have had our ionosphere bombarded by H.A.A.R.P., weather modification better known as “global warming” and unusual effects of increased aluminum and barium in the atmosphere.
Photo chemtrail link
Well enough of us are awake and learning not to get too overwhelmed by this onslaught of various chemical testing, propagandized href=””>infomediatainment and electromagnetic low frequencies.
After all, Light Workers enlighten but also show how love overcomes all.

Compliments of What The BLEEP Do We Know!?

Happy Independence Day!
Fireworks Text -

Love and Light,
Babcha’s Pearls

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chemtrails Explained by Peter Farley

I wanted to do a follow up to the Fluoride article by opening up the discussion on Aluminum and I guess I get so side tracked with all the interesting information I forget to finish one project before starting another but we live in fascinating times and we must all have a touch of ADD now and then.

Here is an email I spammed for my contacts:


I recently stumbled on to a website called" written by Peter Farley and friends. This site is so full of information is difficult for me to cite a particular area of interest. He also has a Yahoo group which I recently joined and found this Chemtrail article.

Many light workers have been researching this information since the 1980's when they first became prominent. You can start your review at his website:

I am currently listening to Dr. Christine Page an intuitive whose 2 part interview is available on Conscious Media Network.
This is how I find these connections and share some interesting information in the process. I hope you find it helpful and stimulating.

We live in amazing times.

Thank you for sharing your interest and time with me.
Have a most peaceful and loving weekend.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Fluroide: not just in water any more!

When studying as an Undergrad at Bloomsburg University, one of my favorite professors made us sell an idea to consumers. I was assigned the benefits of Nuclear Power. I was devastated thinking I had to present to the class some facts that made it sound like a viable means of energy. I was horrified at the depth of idiocracy the government went to try and sell spent uranium to the public. Where they failed in promoting radioactive waste products from eating utensils to ways to make plutonium less vulnerable to terrorism they succeeded in selling Fluoride to the public. It appears from this brief research that fluoride is present in everything we eat in the form of treated water or pesticides and prescribed as medical treatments for medical and mental states caused by excess ingestion of fluoride.

Never forget that; all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
--- Edmund Burke
Great site for lunacy of fluoride:

"Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according to the documents. Massive quantities of fluoride-- millions of tons-- were essential for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S atomic bomb program--both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal."

The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation: Politics vs. Science
Authored by Val Valerian,189 pages, 8 1/2 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research Group, 1997.
A 70,000-word white paper and research tool, with more than 850 entries, master index, and reference bibliography. The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation is the result of the examination of thousands of letters, monographs, scientific documents and declassified materials from the National Archives. Through the use of these materials it goes on to prove, by definition, that the fluoridation paradigm is a civil conspiracy participated in by agencies all the way from the US Public Health Service, the World Health Organization, the AMA and ADA, and all state health departments, and that the fluoridation paradigm is based on false science, misrepresentation and deliberate falsehood in order to provide a means for dumping hazardous wastes from industry into the food and water without challenge from the population. This 189 page, 70,000 word piece of work took hundreds of hours to compile and analyze, and is backed up by numerous references and a superb index for locating those hard-to-find statements by the AMA and ADA who, before 1945, told the scientific truth about the nature of fluorides, chemicals more toxic than lead and arsenic.
Contrary to what the population is told, fluorides produce rapid aging, cause brittle bones and interfere with virtually every enzymatic process in the body. Dentists tell people that "fluorides prevent cavities", yet statistical analysis of all the major fluoridation studies upon which this premise is based demonstrates these studies to be fraudulent. Together with legitimate studies done independently which show both greater dental decay rates, higher dentist ratios and higher dentist incomes in fluoridated areas, right from the ADA and AMA’s own publications, there can be no doubt that the public is being taken for one of the biggest "rides" of the century. According to Senior EPA Scientist Robert Carton, "fluoridation may well represent the biggest case of fraud in this century". Trace the statements of major players in this drama from the early times to the present, and peek into secret closed sessions of state and territorial dental directors in the 1950’s where they admit that fluorides are systemic poisons.
Comparing the statements, actions and activities of these "health professionals" with definitions from Blacks Law Dictionary on "conspiracy", especially civil conspiracy, it can be readily seen that the whole paradigm has been an ongoing conspiracy, where 144 million people in the United States alone are exposed to these EPA-certified hazardous wastes deliberately and arrogantly dumped into the food, water and air. Furthermore, these compounds are known to affect human reproduction, fertility, mortality, intelligence and health. If fluorides in fact do cause cavities and dental problems in humans after 5 years of age, and they really don’t produce the effects we are told, and, considering the effect on the human hippocampus, where all memories are coordinated and behavioral decisions are sculpted, it makes sense why at least one concentration camp run by I.G. Farben had fluoridated the water. Knowing there was no dental plan for Nazi prisoners, there must have been another reason.
There seems to be some evidence that both the Germans and the Soviets fluoridated the water of prisons and concentration camps in order to keep the confined population docile. Fluorides are used for this purpose in animal breeding, where intractable bulls are administered fluorides to calm them down. The "Analytical Chronology" is larger and more comprehensive than anything available on the Internet, or anywhere else. If you are interested in the fluoridation paradigm and what it is doing, and want to have a definitive guideline and a comprehensive view of activity in order to assist you to evaluate current and future activity, this work is invaluable. $26 postpaid (USA) $36 postpaid (Canada, Mexico), $43 Postpaid (Other). Send to Leading Edge Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597. Prices cover printing, binding, packaging and mailing costs. USA Bookrate paid. Foreign: Airmail Paid. All payment in US Dollars. No Eurocheques Please. Send to: Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597 USA
Take a look at Reader Comments on the Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation, including those by medical and scientific readers:
“Thank you for kindly sending me your Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation: Politics vs. Science. Considering the enormous amount of material that surrounds this subject, you have really done a remarkable job!" -- Albert W. Burgstahler, Ph.D. (Harvard), University of Kansas, Professor of Organic Chemistry, January 31, 1998, author, "Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma", Coronado Press, 1978, past co-editor of the scientific journal Fluoride, and former president of the International Society for Fluoride Research.
"The Analytical Chronology of Fluoridation tells the bizarre story of fluoridation from its earliest beginnings to the time of publication. There is no concealment of the bias of the author - the opposing of fluoridation and those who promote the process. Its forte is the documentation of the ruthlessness of the promoters of fluoridation and the possible motives behind the movement. It documents the use of U.S. taxpayers' dollars to subvert individuals and institutions to promote fluoridation not only in the United States and Canada, but also overseas. It also presents, in abridged form, the evidence that fluoridation does not improve oral health but is associated with appreciable harm. The index and extensive bibliography provides a unique resource. It is must reading for those who may come face-to-face with the powerful elite to continue to wage a war on behalf of fluoridation." -- (June 1998) Richard A Foulkes, M.D., former Executive Director of the Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster, B.C., Medical Officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, and Assistant Professor in the University of British Columbia Department of Health Care and Epidemiology. Dr, Foulkes has published numerous papers in medical journals, trade magazines and news papers dealing with health issues. Journals include: Canadian Medical Association Journal; Journal of the American Medical Association; Journal of American Hospital Association; American Journal of Mental Deficiency; and, Medical Services Journal, Canada . He was "Contributing Editor" for Canadian Doctor, 1967-1973. His most recent contributions related to fluoride have been published in the journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research, Fluoride.
Table 2. Fluoride Concentrations of Foods & Beverages

Product # of samples MeanConcentration Range of Concentrations Reference
Artificially Fluoridated Water -- 1.0 ppm 0.6-1.2 ppm
43 1.03 ppm 0.15-6.8 ppm Stannard 1991
Grape juice 9 2.4 ppm 1.16-6.8 ppm Stannard 1991
532 0.56 ppm 0.02-2.80 ppm Kiritsy 1996
White grape juice 10 1.45 ppm 0.15-2.80 ppm Kiritsy 1996
Juice 24 0.69 ppm 0.16-1.08 Turner 1998
Soda 12 0.78 ppm 0.68 - 0.91 ppm Turner 1998
Soda 105 0.74 ppm 0.07-1.37 ppm Pang 1992
Soda 332 0.72 ppm 0.02-1.28 ppm Heilman 1999
Coca-Cola 79 0.70 ppm 0.02-1.10 ppm Heilman 1999
Dr. Pepper 47 1.02 ppm 0.70-1.28 ppm Heilman 1999
Pepsi Cola 104 0.60 ppm 0.02-1.22 ppm Heilman 1999
Gatorade 13 0.85 ppm 0.02-1.04 ppm Pang 1992
Gatorade 1 1.08 ppm -- Turner 1998
Wine 19 1.02 ppm 0.23-2.8 ppm Burgstahler 1997
Wine -- -- 0.1 - >12 ppm California State University, 1990-1994
Tea (brewed w/ NF water) 26 2.56 ppm 0.61-6.68 ppm Pang 1992
Tea (brewed w/ NF water) -- 3 ppm 0.1-4.2 ppm Levy 1999
Fluoridated Salt* 200-250 ppm -- Marthaler 2000
Cereals (processed w/fluoridated water) -- -- 3.8 - 6.3 ppm Warren 2003
Fish -- 2.1 ppm -- Dabeka 1995 (cited in ATSDR 2001)
Canned Fish -- 4.57 ppm -- Dabeka 1995 (cited in ATSDR 2001)
Chicken infant foods 6 4.4 ppm 1.05-8.38 ppm Heilman 1997
Pureed Chicken baby food (w/ mechancially deboned chicken) -- 4.2 ppm 1.89-8.63 ppm Fein 2001
Chicken sticks (w/ mechancially deboned chicken) -- 3.61 ppm 1.61-6.0 ppm Fein 2001
Luncheon meat (w/ mechancially deboned chicken) -- 1.98 ppm 1.01-3.65 ppm Fein 2001
Dry cereals produced w/ fluoridated water -- -- 4-6 ppm Fomon 2000
Powdered Infant Formula (made w/ fluoridated water) -- 0.97 ppm -- Fomon 2000
Breast milk -- 0.005-0.01 ppm Fomon 2000
* The use of fluoridated salt is becoming increasingly widespread across the globe. While the US & Canada do not yet have salt fluoridation programs, it is currently estimated that more people in the world are exposed to fluoridated salt than fluoridated water. Thus, this source of fluoride exposure is becoming increasingly important and insidious. Fluoridated salt usually contains about 250 ppm fluoride, which would result in a daily intake of 2.5 mg of fluoride per day for people consuming 10 grams of salt. Countries with extensive salt fluoridation programs include: Austria, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Switzerland, and Venezuela.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (2001). Toxicological Profile for Fluorides: Draft Profile for Public Comment. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Public Health Service.
Index of Fluorinated Pharmaceuticals
Anesthetics (general) Anti-fungal antibiotics Appetite suppressants Antacids Antihistamines Arthritis (rheumatoid) Anti-anxiety Antilipemics (cholesterol lowering) Psychotropic (anti-psychotics) Antibiotics (Fluoroquinolones) Anti-malarial Steroids/anti-inflammatory agents Antidepressants Antimetabolites (chemotherapy)
Cipro - The controversial anthrax drug, Cipro is also a fluorinated drug. For an in depth look at this try this link:
Part 3 - Chemicals/Drugs containing Fluorine Compounds
HF (hydrogen fluoride or hydrofluoric acid)
Today hundreds of industrial and manufacturing processes use hydrofluoric acid, much of which escapes in gas form into the atmosphere as pollution. It is the 6th most emitted air pollutant in the US. Some of the suspected medical indications from exposure include the following:
• Cardiovascular or Blood Toxicant
• Developmental Toxicant
• Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant
• Musculoskeletal Toxicant
• Neurotoxicant
• Reproductive Toxicant
• Respiratory Toxicant
• Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant
Bromethalin • Fluoroacetamide • 1,3-Difluoro-2-propanol (Gliftor) • Sodium fluoroacetate
Cryolite- Cryolite is an uncommon mineral of very limited natural distribution. Mostly considered a one locallity mineral, for although there are a few other minor locallities, it was only found in large quantities on the west coast of Greenland.
It was used as a solvent of the aluminum rich ore, bauxite, which is a combination of aluminum oxides such as gibbsite, boehmite and diaspore. It is very difficult to remove atoms of aluminum from atoms of oxygen which is necessary in order to produce aluminum metal. Cryolite made an excellent flux to make the process less expensive. Now it is too rare to be used for this purpose and sodium aluminum fluoride is produced artificially to fill the void.
Top 50 Crops and Sites for for Cryolite use in California in 2007
Crop or Site
(Commodity Code) Gross
Application Rate
pounds per acre treated Acres Planted
where all or part
has been sprayed Acres Treated

All Sites (00)
679,594 6.49 92,769 104,651 2,618
Table and Raisin Grapes (29141)
479,998 5.65 71,531 84,893 2,085
Oranges (2006)
80,357 12.8 7,086 6,287 127
Bell Peppers (11003)
51,978 8.75 5,359 5,942 172
Wine Grapes (29143)
28,691 5.11 6,497 5,614 152
Kiwis (6018)
28,683 33.5 790.0 855.0 10
Tangerines (2008)
2,847 11.0 259.0 258.6 9
Pumpkins (10011)
1,591 8.51 178.9 186.9 4
Watermelons (10008)
1,430 10.1 169.0 142.0 4
Chili Peppers (8050)
1,187 11.5 54.0 103.0 2
Outdoor Container Nursery (154)
1,090 8.21 269.5 130.4 19
Grapefruit (2002)
509.8 5.86 90.0 87.0 5
Peaches (5004)
432.0 9.60 45.0 45.0 1
Cabbage (13007)
374.0 8.76 380.0 42.7 2
Lemons (2004)
229.6 7.95 16.5 28.9 21
Tangelos (2007)
151.2 10.8 14.0 14.0 2
Outdoor Flower Nursery (152)
40.3 1.92 30.0 21.0 1
Regulatory (100)
2.94 - - - 1
Landscape (30)
1.42 - - - 1

Regional Use for Cryolite on All Sites in 2007
(County Code) Gross
pounds per acre treated Acres Planted
where all or part
has been sprayed Acres Treated

California (00)
679,594 6.49 92,769 104,651 2,618
Fresno (10)
291,319 5.39 45,260 54,094 1,467
Kern (15)
148,514 8.26 18,459 17,988 357
Tulare (54)
87,281 8.24 11,000 10,590 345
Madera (20)
80,675 6.22 9,184 12,977 208
Ventura (56)
27,288 8.77 3,576 3,112 101
Kings (16)
24,305 7.27 1,862 3,344 52
Riverside (33)
11,080 10.8 799.5 1,024 25
Yolo (57)
5,511 5.22 1,133 1,056 26
San Joaquin (39)
2,332 8.80 272.0 264.9 5
Santa Barbara (42)
662.4 8.83 390.0 75.0 5
Lake (17)
345.6 5.24 120.0 66.0 1
San Diego (37)
237.6 6.63 142.4 35.4 23
San Luis Obispo (40)
23.0 0.94 552.0 24.4 1
Santa Cruz (44)
20.0 - 19.5 - 1
Los Angeles (19)
1.42 - - - 1

Working with the Information on this Page
* Complete 2001 data for Kern county was never submitted by the Kern County Agricultural Commissioners office. This missing data includes approximately 32,000 records totaling roughly 10 million pounds. An omission of this scale will significantly impact statewide trends.

** The 2005 data for Ventura county is incomplete because not all of the data was available at the time of DPR's release. Missing data includes mostly applications made in November and December. An estimate based on reported use in Ventura County during November and December from 2002 to 2004 suggests that the 2005 total pounds is underreported by approximately 500,000 pounds. The active ingredients most affected are captan and petroleum oil. See the DPR's 2005 PUR report for additional details.

NOTE! See methodology and documentation for California Pesticide Use Reporting for important qualifications on these numbers.

Click on the commodities name links for special caveats on the data for each commodity. For more detailed use information, including data for other years, search our California Pesticide Use database. Original source for all pesticide use data is the California Pesticide Use Report (PUR) dataset, collected and managed by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Significant processing of the original dataset is required to generate the summary data presented here; see documentation for a full discussion of data handling.

NOTE! Comments on the accuracy of Acres Planted reflect PAN's analysis of acreage data from the California Agricultural Statistics Service (CASS) and Department of Pesticide Regulation Pesticide Use Reporting data. The method used to assess acreage accuracy is described in the documentation. Accuracy was evaluated for aggregate, statewide California acreage, but not for smaller regions (e.g., counties). See CASS acreage estimates for additional information.

Click on underlined terms for definitions or go to the Pesticide Tutorial overview page.

Any underlined term with a book icon has additional information.

To print this page, choose Print. To export this data, choose Save As 'HTML Source' and open it in Excel or equivalent program.
• Acres Planted is the planted acreage of the crop in the selected region where the selected chemical was applied. This figure may not be the total acreage of the selected crop. To obtain the total planted acreage for a crop or county, see the crop and county pages available from the Pesticide Use Search Page. See documentation for important distinctions between acres treated and acres planted.
• Acres Treated is the acreage of the crop actually treated with the pesticide. Gross Pounds applied divided by Acres Treated is the application rate of the pesticide. The difference between Acres Planted and Acres Treated is best explained through an example:If a farmer has a 100-acre field and sprays 50 acres, then the Acres Planted will be 100 and the Acres Treated will be 50. If a farmer sprays 50 of their 100 acres three times, then the Acres Planted will remain at 100 acres, but now the value of Acres Treated will be 150. This figure may not be the total acreage of the selected crop. See documentation for further distinctions between acres treated and acres planted.

Citation: Kegley, S.E., Hill, B.R., Orme S., Choi A.H., PAN Pesticide Database, Pesticide Action Network, North America (San Francisco, CA, 2009),
© 2000-2009 Pesticide Action Network, North America. All rights reserved.
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Thanks for reading Please share everything with everyone.
Babcha’s Pearls
Next focus: Aluminum

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Metaphysical Underground: Earth Origins explained

Hello friends,

It appears time is moving faster as it moves in cycles. This information was forwarded by dear friend Dalibor a couple years ago but its significance escaped me. Thanks to my new friend Jaffytreeand his recent video series on Stars and Stones, this information is becoming main stream for Metaphysicians.

After watching hours of Dan WInter's videos I am happy to encourage everyone to view the Gerry and Malou Zeitlin webpage explaining Anton Parks research on the Origins of Planet Earth. Although Zacheria Stitchen came close to naming who the patrons of Human Beings are, he may have missed the clues about where, when, how and why.

In very clear and engaging format written by Anton Parks some of his works are explained and presented in English for all non-French readers. Enjoy. (link at the end)

Happy Memorial Day!

The Ages of Ura

Click here for web site:

Stars and 1/9


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Connections of a tired mind

I observed in a fourth grade Math class last week children learning about Friezes; specifically slide, rotation and reflection. I did not think anything more about it until I started listening to Art Rosengarten's audio interview on Red Ice about Tarot. I was interested to find out Rosengarten wrote his dissertation on the tarot and uses them in his therapy treatments. This lead me down a path of synchronicities so enlightening I just had to orient my findings here first.

Rosengarten spoke about a series called Magical Egypt and although available on Google and you tube I was unable to find the entire series which culminates with part 8 Cosmology. I was moved to watch this particular section realizing I had watched it at some point in the last two years and forgotten about it. Laird Scranton was the focus describing his research on the Dogon Tribe of Africa and the parallels he found using a computer program he designed to factor in symbols from ancient Egypt and the Dogon that is "unexplainably accurate description of subatomic structure, quantum physics, cellular biology and even string theory, hidden in ancient accounts of the formation of the universe." (Magical Egypt (part 8): Cosmology

This lead me to an author who is obscured in all the listings for French Mathematicians I Googled. I then reviewed this video for key words and typed in Sacred Science and viola! there pops up the name I grossly misspelled R.A.Schwaller De Lubicz. That lead me towards the Sacred Science Institute, an online Esoteric hodgepodge where I reviewed their Magickal archives and found Albricht Durer's Square of 4. I was fascinated in Albricht since undergrad Art History class and then it hit me. I have been mesmerized by everything Metaphysical and Occult since I was 14 years old when I first learned to write Astrological charts and read the Tarot. But this was only the tease.

While observing the Durer Square of 4 I followed a link to a Durer classroom activity sponsored by Drexel (a Philadelphia College close to where I live and work) It wasn't until I performed the activity that I looked at the Durer square of 4 with lines that it hit me; I have been writing we live in a sigil without fully comprehending what I was commenting on in the grander sense.

Here comes the eureka moment: What if everything was orchestrated to be exactly as it is at this moment? I know that is not much of a earth moving thought but I considered the Math lesson I originally began with and the Sudoku puzzles my sister slams through every weekend and considered I need to find out more about these magick squares. I guess you know where I am leading. This is either how initiation is entered or as Columbus's timely discovery of the America's was preplanned, I felt I stumbled on a revelation that made me want to review Manley Palmer Hall lecture series to ground my excitement. I am starting with

Manly P. Hall- The Twenty-First Century- A New Beginning

Refusal to accept the evidence nature provides results in failure. (M.P.Hall)

With Love and light,
Babcha's Pearls

Friday, May 8, 2009



I AM SITTING HERE WONDERING WHY I was interested in Michael Tsarion's beautiful explnation of the collective psychic trauma and his interpretation of how we as a civilazation have become obsessed with externalities; abrasive and fearful rather than introspective and loving. He used a lot of Jung to explain the schism of the ego and consciousness almost to deaf ears. Most people are disinterseted in personal exertion to thoughtfully go beyond the superficial and dwelve deep into their inner being to face the demons of self. How much easier to expose our brothers speck when the log is what blinds our own eyes? I am having an epithany.

Synchronicities are natures way of gently calling each of us and we balk at the request because the responsibility is truly too much for us to deal with. Not understanding the purpose- how could we as we have nothing to base a value on the unknown and children do not always do what they are told.

I have matured and my time of childish things is quickly passing. I have learned all I need to begin the path but I am lacking the support of experienced beginners. I need to call for help from anyone who is knowledgable in the ways of a spear shaker and who has the courage to face the eye of an angle and live. My thoughts are open and my mind is focused - I will hear you when you call.


More will be revealed:


2009 MAY 8

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What is really going on in the mind?

What is really going on in the mind?
Thanks shantidao BudoKrist ?!

The secret to what I am researching is not the power of the blood and the reason for so many deaths caused by the US military industrial complex. It is far more complex than just the corruption of our DNA, which in essence is the effect of the trauma being imposed on all life on our planet.
I believe the reason “wanton destruction” of all life systems and all social structures is the path to a collective forgetting. This loss of essential memory, of knowledge of our true past and therefore our true nature and its history is being systematically erases from our collective DNA. We do not see the large picture due to the bombardment of multiple illusory degradations to the daily grind we have embraced willingly. It is meant only for a handful of selfish beasts willing to kill, murder, rape and eat the flesh of innocents ignorantly accepting of this fate.
I see now standing behind my thoughts the engineered collapse of our ability to know we are true light beings destine to become stars if only we remember who, what and where we are in time. We were not meant to be fearful beings deploring our own bodies and minds, relinquishing love of our fellows for hate and distrust of every motive. We see ourselves in each other and fear the possibility that another’s darkness might betray our own inner lusts. We are all one.
I have wanted to speak but the words were denied me. I have wanted to shout but my voice was lost in my own fear of not being heard. I am dreaming dreams that make me cry because my brothers and sisters are dying inside from the lies they believe and the doubt they feel mostly about themselves transferred on to everyone else.
There is a path that is straight. It is woven with love and peace. It has no axe to grind and no score to settle and it will never hold your crimes up to the world because your own deeds will be your judge.
What you alone have accepted will be your eternity. If it is full of BLISS it will serve you well in the life to come and if it is full of PAIN you are doomed from the conception of your limited ideals.
Choose well.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Manipulation and Media: prophicies, frequencies and common sense

Just about to finish reading Divine Cosmos article part 3 concerning the events of the past 7+ days and exhausted beyond comprehension had to post this;


Before we can end this article, we have to go through one more uncomfortable discussion. Everyone familiar with the conspiracy media is automatically going to ask me if this is a synthetic, man-made virus.

The bottom line is that it probably is.

The simple fact that such an anomalous, unprecedented virus, combining material from three different hosts, appeared spontaneously in so many different places around the world — at such a marvelously well-timed moment to divert attention from the imminent downfall of the New World Order faction — is a very strong sign of wrongdoing. Let’s look again at the article we just linked to above: "

I talked to people until I was sick of hearing myself and now realize I need not convince myself. It is was pure joy witnessing an unraveling of blinders and years of lethargy falling from the intellect of the masses. Who cares of 20% believes this crap- I am content knowing, believing without seeing that 5% do not believe in swine flu (aka: swine avian and human mutant strain only produceable in a military lab and inflicted on innocent people around the world however disconnected their lives obviously are or were.)

That's enough for now. I am literally too tired to think and make coherent sentences. I missed the CNN article about the real viral killer: regular Flu.


Peace out.
Thanks to Divine Cosmos


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I thought it could take 10 years

I channel-surfed the television at work waiting for 11:30 to clock out and as usual I synchronistically happened upon "Rescue Me" by Dennis Leary. It is not as if I did not see the bulletins announcing the 911 inference to be forthcoming but I thought I had missed it last week. I was surprised to hear Daniel Sunjata, who plays a character in the FDNY based comedy drama on the FX channel Tuesday nights explain the Project for a New American Century to a French journalist who is writing a book about the 10th anniversary of 911 and listened to the flawless recital of the 4 basic tenets of the PNAC's Neo-conservative policies ( leading up to the horrors of 911 and its aftermath. I feel like I am preaching to the choir so I will dispense with the specifics and stick to my feelings about the scene. (

I wanted to cry but the tears escaped me and I realized I had heard and read and spoke about it so many times before it seemed surreal to be watching someone on cable TV confidently explaining the truth and then I felt like I was in a drama and my life was a story inside or was it outside the one I was watching on TV. It seemed pointless even though I wanted to call all my friends and tell them to watch it after it abruptly ended with Sunjata's character Franco Rivera asking the journalist if she was single - only Leary could deflect a history lesson on the real "axis of evil" with sexual conquest which twisted the moment forever. Now I cannot remember if "Guinevere" was unimpressed with the speech or dumbfounded by the pick-up line "are you single?"

This brings me to a discussion I had mostly with myself but I remember my sister was present in the room. We had argued because I tried with futility to convince her that chem trails are real and 911 was an inside job. To hear those words on television, not investigate 911, but 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB and not on independent news programs like INN or Democracy Now is like being told I won the lottery. I told my sister (after I realized then my pearls fell on the ears of a sow) that it will probably take 10 years. Where did that come from? and one mention of it on a cable channel late night program is hardly a special report on multiple mainstream news agencies. It is significant because it means something has changed. I know I have. I am not the eager activist I was carrying the “No Child Left Alive" poster from Florida to DC and beyond. I have learned to temper my opinion but to be honest and listen for opportunity to speak my truth. These moments are rare. Most people could not handle this kind of disclosure and it will have to come out in small sound bites. But it is coming out of the woodwork, out of the closet, into the sanctuary of the sleeping who are awakening slowly if it is their desire to do so.

I guess I will end with a short anecdote my mother confided in me about my stepfather, a proud and accomplished Navy veteran who has listened to me with interest and sometimes fear at the realities I have shared. He came home recently and pronounced how he came to the conclusion that he is terribly self absorbed. We all knew it for years but after all is said and done, only you can know your own truth and no one can help you learn it sooner than you are willing to accept it.

I am glad I am so bold as to terrorize my family with my understandings of things and I am grateful I have hurt people less and less as I grow wiser and more loving of each person where they are here and now. You should be too. Pulling peoples covers is mean and has nothing to do with truth- only control. I surrender. I am happy and proud to have been born now and living long enough to see what we as people can do to lift ourselves out of the morass we have created. It appears we are all learning we are self-absorbed.

Love and light dear friend.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

shedding tiny scales from my third eye

I am entering an evolution of mind and casting fear to the wind by promoting thoughts and concerns soon to shed like tiny scales from my third eye. I have read, reviewed, and even posted others wonderful works. I will endeavor to solicit love, non-attachment namely surrender and promote others doing the same.

Tonight, while sitting and thinking about Twitter, I flew by, built a nest, and perched. I have so many stories to tell I know it will be an interesting season. I wanted to start by confessing secret desires, to be a Nobel writer and create the theorem for the new paradigm. I tried to explain it to my undergrad professors as they prepared my recommendation for Princeton this fall. Alas, I was overlooked and denied my place in the nexus of conformity. I was fortunately published in a recently discontinued publication on dialectical and historical materialism. My paper, which was to be read in Beijing at a conference on the Socialist Market Economy, is entitled "Mobilizing Sustainable Industries." It is a concept article supporting the production and distribution of available green technologies with little jabs at the Bush cabal sprinkled in as therapy for my effervescent distaste of the unending war with all its devolutions. I had up until that time a weak ego, was clingy, and insecure. I had left my second husband and thought a trip to China would start my new life. I was barely aware that I had already gone through a great change and only needed to open my eyes and heart to the possibilities before me.

My situations changed little besides the obvious, a little more buxom from lack of essential aerobic activity and some geographical moves I thought might appease. My consciousness has jettisoned out of this galaxy. I blame it all on MySpace. Initially I was fearful of such a rogue website, heeding rumors mostly innuendo I avoided anything remotely irreverent. Then, demon possessed I dove into the darkness with abandon, read everything esoteric and politically abhorrent I could find and instinctively knew I was on the path towards elucidation. How thoroughly little girl’s psyches are poisoned by Christian dogma. I was a faithful follower until I examined the movie Zeitgeist and discovered the hermeneutics of god. Now understanding true emptiness, I put one foot in front of another and learned that I am complete and one of many. We are all one separated by shadows reinforced by unknown and unnamed fears. My fledgling flight here is a testament to overcoming bias and disinformation. I hope to continue to post insightful messages and inspiring ideas that will clear facts from fiction. There are many things to discuss and sharing is the highest form of love.

Namaste dear friend.Photobucket
Siesta Key Beach 2008