Before we can end this article, we have to go through one more uncomfortable discussion. Everyone familiar with the conspiracy media is automatically going to ask me if this is a synthetic, man-made virus.
The bottom line is that it probably is.
The simple fact that such an anomalous, unprecedented virus, combining material from three different hosts, appeared spontaneously in so many different places around the world — at such a marvelously well-timed moment to divert attention from the imminent downfall of the New World Order faction — is a very strong sign of wrongdoing. Let’s look again at the article we just linked to above: "
I talked to people until I was sick of hearing myself and now realize I need not convince myself. It is was pure joy witnessing an unraveling of blinders and years of lethargy falling from the intellect of the masses. Who cares of 20% believes this crap- I am content knowing, believing without seeing that 5% do not believe in swine flu (aka: swine avian and human mutant strain only produceable in a military lab and inflicted on innocent people around the world however disconnected their lives obviously are or were.)
That's enough for now. I am literally too tired to think and make coherent sentences. I missed the CNN article about the real viral killer: regular Flu.
Peace out.
Thanks to Divine Cosmos
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