I recently reviewed The Calling and felt it was important to send it to you again. It is a video created to inform those still unaware of the state of the world governments, monetary systems and war.
The Calling 1 of 2
This is a 1 hour, 2 part video and helpful for all those who viewed Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" who want to learn more about what is really going on in our world.
This video was made with the highest respect and love for all life on this planet and those who have sensed somethings wrong but are not sure really what is happening or why they feel the way they do, have doubts or unanswered fears.
I recently forward 2 videos from Mariam Delicado and Princess Nakamaru which dovetail with this message. If you have not had time to watch these videos and I suggest you please take the time to objectively review them. You can find this information on Mariam Dilacado's web site or type in "NWO" for New World Order. Please email me with any questions or for further discussion.
This information is essential to your health and the health of your children and the planet. I believe we can reverse any negative outcomes but we can only change what we know needs to be changed for the better.
I thank you for your time and interest in our future and I would like to strongly suggest you warn your family and friends to avoid fear based television and movies such as the upcoming 2012 disaster film. We are all visual learners and the images being presented by Hollywood and TV over the last 10 years has focused on the total destruction of our world. It is my strong belief that we store memories in symbolic form and visually between the news and movies, video games and other media we are being conditioned to accept what amounts to lower living standards and violence as normal.
It is a very intense and repetitive conditioning which has been fine tuned to exact the virtual environment we find ourselves believing we live in- a world gone mad. This is possible if you believe it is true but look at your neighbors and your community and distinguish between what is happening locally and what you see and hear on the media source of your choice and consider turning off the TV, limit the movies you watch and spend more time talking to your family, loved ones and your neighbors. The world is a beautiful and loving place and can not be manipulated when good people know the truth about our governments and big corporations.
Subliminal Mind Control, Brain Washing,
Media & Psychology Dr. John Breeding
discusses the use of television and the
mass media as a form of information and mind control.
And remember there are more of us than there are of them! There is safety in numbers but only if we are aware of what is working against our best and highest ideals.
Be informed and inform others.
With the highest respect and love,
Babcha's Pearls
Movie "The Calling Link" http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=56219822