Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chemtrails Again? Now They're Going After the Crops ECETI

The UFO and Paranormal Awareness Group

This email is self-explanatory.
Be sure to open the attachment as well as his link at the end of his message.
The second message is from James Gilliland. He has the ECETI organization at Mt. Adams, Washington

Chemtrail Poisoning - protection from.doc (871KB) LINK:1
Chemtrail Poisoning - protection from.doc (871KB) LINK:2

Hi All,

Many of us have said 'Why would they do that?' (sow the chemtrails). Since they won't talk about the obvious, perhaps the next best thing is to answer our question 'What can we do to keep our immune systems safer from the assaults from the ingredients in the chemtrails?'
Please open the small attachment ... some day in the future (or now) you may want to use some of the info it contains. I'm lazy myself, and just scanned the info and saved it . . . but will look in depth sooner than later.
PS As has often been said, http://www.carnicom.com/ gives much of the info on the subject

----- Original Message -----

Subject: [ECETI News] Chemtrails Again? Now They're Going After the Crops
ECETI Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence -

US(MS): Mystery crop damage threatens hundreds of acres
A mystery is unfolding across MidSouth farms.
Something is killing crops, trees, even weeds and nobody can explain why.
Farmers are scratching their heads and some are worried their crops may be lost to the mysterious plague.
It's happening along a large swath of land near the Shelby and Tipton county border along Herring Hill Road and elsewhere near the Mississippi River bottoms.
Tiny dots appear to have burned onto leaves of all types of plants, and they appear different depending on the plant.
On corn stalks, the dots seem to turn white in the center.
On other plants, a white dust speckles the leaves and then destroys the green life underneath.
"We found it all in the herbs, in the flowers, in the plum tree, in the weeds," said organic farmer Toni Holt. "It's apparently in everything."
Holt grows organic produce that she sells at area farmers' markets.
As she and other farmers inspect the new growth covered in the perplexing plague, they fear their entire crop may be lost.
It appears to have hit everything in its path.
There does not seem to be anything in common with the affected plants.
The Holts raise organic crops, so they don't spray pesticides on any of their fruits and vegetables.
The first thought among some was a new parasite or insect caused the damage, but Wilder farms sprays pesticides and the damage there is exactly the same.
Farmers first noticed the damaging dots over the weekend.
Then Holt came home to find baby birds dead in their nests.
"There are two dead birds hanging out of two different bird houses, so we're concerned about that. We don't know if it's related, but it's alarming," said Holt. "We've got horses, we're concerned about the horses on the grass. We've got chickens. We sell our eggs at the market."

Farmers we spoke with are convinced something in the air caused this damage.

They're asking the USDA and other experts to look into the problem, and so are we.

Source: wreg.com

Publication date: 6/2/2010

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We do not necessarily endorse content on this email and are to be held harmless for any actions taken on account thereof. It is with this understanding that the reader will use discernment in determining what is right and true for them personally. ECETI News is part of the public awareness and UFO acclimation project of ECETI under the Self Mastery Earth Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to the Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.

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