Friday, January 17, 2014

METADATA N.S.A.’s Phone Data Collection Program
(collection began after 9/11??) reauthorization due March 28, 2014
...and as the US government agencies continue to oppress free speech...
***5 billion cell phone locations recorded daily by NSA.

The U.N. telecom agency says there were about 6 billion subscriptions by the end of 2011 – roughly one for 86 of every 100 people.
***NSA will continue to monitor over 35 world leaders
***NSA can watch ideas form as you type...
***NSA collected 97 billion pieces of internet data 2013...

Sen Obama vowed during the 2008 presidential campaign to end “illegal wiretapping,” casting the question of liberty versus security as a “false choice."

Photo source:
The data can also be used to study patterns of behaviour to reveal personal information. Photograph: Alex Milan Tracy/NurPhoto/Corbis

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